Love always faithfully.

April 19, 2009 § Leave a comment

Hello peoples!

The weekend is over at this end of the world, and it’s been good. I had some much needed time with my BFF who’s working hard, and I got to play with all the beautiful kids in church. How they still keep their energy HIGH and PUMPED by 7.30 at night I do not know.. Plus I nanny-d Mikayla this morning. She’s such a beautiful little soul and we have the best time together.


I had two thoughts in my head this week. One was “Love always” and the second was “Love is faithful”. Today I put them together to “Love always faithfully”. To me that means that I love God always and faithfully with all of me, my thoughts, my deeds, basically my life. But it also means that I love His creation always and faithfully. His children – my family, His earth – my home, His House – the Church, me – my body – His temple. Love is such a powerful force. What does LOVE mean to you?

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